Chaparral Physics
공중음파센서(Infrassound Sensor)
- 화산 폭발, 발파 및 핵실험 등으로 발생하는 소리의 음악을 감지
- Models 25/21 are cost-effective and durable sensors for the mid-infrasound to low-audio bandwidth. These sensors excel in campaign-style deployments.
- Preferred by military and volcano researchers
- Low power consumption: <480 mW
- 0.1 Hz to 200 Hz bandwidth
- 4-port manifold for wind-noise reduction array (Model 25)
- Self-diagnostics
- Switchable high and low gains
- Differential output
- Low noise floor
- High dynamic range
- Low seismic sensitivity
- Very rugged: can be deployed in open