- 상세정보
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- 다운로드
- 배송안내
- 교환/반품/환불안내
모델명 : MX2307
제품용도 : HOBO MX 토양 수분 및 온도 데이터 로거
• HOBO MX 토양수분 및 온도 데이터 로거
• 블루투스 지원
• 토양수분 측정 범위 :
0.00 to 0.64 m³/m³ in mineral soils
0.00 to 0.70 m³/m³ in soilless media
• 온도 측정 범위 : -40 to 100°C (-40 to 212°F)
• 저장 메모리 : 472KB(최대 110,000 측정)
• 데이터 추출 : HOBO Connect 무료 다운로드
** 모바일 앱 사양 **
- iOS 13+
- Android 11+
- Windows 10, 11
- Bluetooth 4.X and up
Soil Moisture: Volumetric Water Content (VWC)
Measurement Range : 0.00 to 0.64 m³/m³ in mineral soils 0.00 to 0.70 m³/m³ in soilless media
Accuracy : ±0.031 m³/m³ typical in mineral soils that have solution EC <8 dS/m
±0.051 m³/m³ typical in soilless media
Resolution : 0.001 m³/m³
Dielectric Measurement Frequency : 70 MHz
Temperature Sensor (MX2307)
Range : -40 to 100°C (-40 to 212°F), with tip and cable immersion in fresh water up to 50°C (122°F) for one year
Accuracy : ±0.25°C from -40 to 0°C (±0.45 from -40 to 32°F) ±0.2°C from 0 to 70°C (±0.36 from 32 to 158°F)
±0.25°C from 70 to 100°C (±0.45 from 158 to 212°F)
Resolution : 0.04°C(0.072°F)
Drift : <0.01°C per year(0.018°F per year)
Response Time : 3 minutes in air moving 1 m/s; 20 seconds in stirred water
4 minutes in air moving 1 m/s with RS3-B Solar Radiation Shield
Operating Range : -25° to 60°C(-13° to 140°F)
Radio Power : 1 mW(0 dBm)
Transmission Range : Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) line-of-sight
Wireless Data Standard : Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart)
Logging Rate : 1 second to 18 hours
Logging Modes : Fixed interval (normal, statistics) or burst
Memory Modes : Wrap when full or stop when full
Start Modes : Immediate, push button, date & time, or next interval
Stop Modes : When memory full, push button, date & time, or after a set logging period
Time Accuracy : ±1 minute per month 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Battery Type : 2/3 AA 3.6 Volt lithium, user replaceable
Battery Life : 2 years, typical with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On enabled; 5 years, typical with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On disabled.
Faster logging intervals and statistics sampling intervals, burst logging, remaining connected with the app, excessive downloads, and paging may impact battery life.
Memory : 110,000 measurements, maximum (472 kB)
Full Memory Download Time : Approximately 60 seconds; may take longer the further the device is from the logger
Dimensions : Logger housing: 10.8 x 5.08 x 2.24 cm (4.25 x 2.0 x 0.88 in.)
Soil moisture sensor: 7.5 x 5.1 x 2.4 cm (2.95 x 2.02 x 0.95 inches)
Soil moisture sensor needle length: 5.4 cm (2.13 inches)
Soil moisture sensor needle diameter: 0.32 cm (0.13 inches)
Temperature sensor (MX2307) diameter: 0.53 cm (0.21 in.)
Sensor cable length: 2 m (6.56 ft)
Weight : MX2306: 229 g (80 oz), MX2307: 267 g (94 oz)
Materials : Logger: Acetal, silicone gasket, stainless steel screws
Soil Moisture Sensor: ASA plastic body with polyurethane epoxy filling and stainless steel pins
Temperature Sensor (MX2307): Stainless steel waterproof tip
Cable: PVC, UV resistant and rodent repellent (soil moisture sensor cable)
Environmental Rating : Temperature sensor and cable (MX2307): Immersion in water up to 50°C (122°F) for 1 year
카달로그명 | 설명 | 다운로드 |
MX2307 Manual | MX2307 Manual (영문) |
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- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시, 광고 내용과 다르거나 다르게 이행된 경우 공급받은 날로부터 1개월 이내에 교환 및 반품이 가능합니다.
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- 시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소된 경우 교환 및 반품이 불가능 합니다.